Our Elf Went to the Dark Side

Our Elf on the Shelf is super excited about the release of the new Star Wars movie this weekend! My boys love Star Wars so this isn’t the first time our Elf has interacted with our Star Wars toys. However, this is the first time our Elf wore a mask! You can find the printable mask here at Enza’s Bargains. She not only has the Stormtrooper mask you see in the photo, but Darth Vader and Darth Maul masks too! The best part… they are free and there are no strings attached. You know what I mean – no signing up for an email list or jumping through burning hoops to actually get the “free” mask. Click on the actual picture of the 3 masks, hit print & cut them out in about 2 minutes!

I’m sure there are other ways to attach the mask that are more discreet, but I had tape handy and it wasn’t that obvious. My middle guy said, “Hey G (yes, our elf’s name is the letter G) used our tape for his mask!” and I rolled with it.
Preparing for Next Year
If you have read my Elf Survival Plan you know that I am all about being prepared and organized. So I actually went ahead and printed a few extra sets of the mask to put in my “Elf Box” – a box full of all my Elf props and supplies. This way I have the masks ready for next year!

Bonus Star Wars Idea!
This one is a classic, and by classic I mean I fall back on it every year (because sometimes Mom is busy). Our Elf takes on our Star Wars collection in an epic battle of light sabers and pom-poms aka snowballs. What I love about this Elf idea is that the boys typically play with the snowballs and Star Wars figures for the rest of the morning. So it’s not only a great Elf idea, but one that encourages engaged play. When they are playing well, there’s more time to be Productive!

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