Take a little time to count your blessings with this Thankful Printable Worksheet.
Every November so many people post daily on social media what they are thankful for in their lives.
The idea of counting our blessings is a great tradition! It’s just one that I could never seem to remember to do on a social media account.
This printable is perfect for those who don’t wish to be tied down to a mandatory daily post. Or like me, simply can’t keep up with it.
It gives another option to record and reflect on what you are truly most thankful for in your life.
Also, if you have kids make sure to check out our Thanksgiving printables perfect for younger children. We have a Thanksgiving tic tac toe printable, as well as a Turkey coloring page! Plus we just made a Thanksgiving Word Scramble worksheet too!

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How to use your Thankful Printable
How you choose to use the Thankful Printable is completely up to you! Here are a few suggestions that work well for recording your blessings.
Ideas for using your Thankful Printable
There are 25 lines on the printable, which coordinate with the 25 days in November until Thanksgiving Day.
One way to use the printable would be to record one thing you are thankful for each day. Perhaps you could do this while drinking your morning coffee, or if your mornings are crazy like mine – you could reflect on it at night before bed.
Whatever the time of the day, taking a moment to write what you are most thankful for is a great self-care act. Thinking of all the people, events, or memories that make us smile and be joyful is an easy way to boost your mood.
All at Once Use of the Printable
Another idea for using the Thankful Printable would be to record your thoughts all at once. You could do this at the start of the month and then you would have it to reflect on when the holiday stress kicks up.
Also, if you do wish to post what you are thankful for on social media, this would be a place to record ideas as you think of them.
Thanksgiving Get-Together
Finally, this printable would also be great to use at your Thanksgiving gatherings. Print out or make copies for everyone in attendance and while enjoying your pumpkin pie, everyone could record their blessings.
5 Blessings in My Life
While creating this printable, my blessings kept floating through my mind.
Here are five of the blessings I have to be thankful for this year. Hopefully, they will help you think of your blessings too.
Learning the Art of Saying “No”
After many years, I have learned that sometimes when life is crazy-busy, saying “no” is the healthiest thing to do. Over-extending myself by always trying to feel helpful creates a huge sense of under-achievement in my life.
Finding a Passion Again
For over seven years my “title” has been a stay-at-home mom. It is one I have enjoyed, but as my boys grew older, this little feeling kept popping up and I felt lost. It was a chilly Sunday afternoon in December when I quit thinking about blogging, bit the bullet, and started doing it.
Passion ignited! I fell in love with being creative and sharing the things I love with others!
That creative drive had gone dormant when I became a SAHM. I have found a creative outlet, or passion, again, and for that, I am so thankful!
Parental Sacrifices
About two years ago, my mom & stepdad moved (over 2 hours) to be with my family. They left a community they had both lived in for over 60 years to be a part of my three boys’ lives.
As I watch them adjust to their new home, neighborhood, and community; I am so thankful for all the changes they have embraced to live by me.
Decaf Coffee
Yep. I switched from being thankful for my parents to decaf coffee! But it’s a little more than just enjoying a good cup of joe.
You see decaf coffee was what led me to see that I didn’t want a glass of wine every night. I still love wine, it was just eye-opening to realize I enjoy coffee more.
So I’m thankful for that decaf coffee. It reminded me to make my own decisions; based on what I want, not what I think everyone else is doing.
Post-it Notes, Beautiful Containers & 3-Ring Binders
I love all things organization. I am an organizationaholic.
For example, I loved the Berenstain Bear’s Book when the cubs clean up their room and they organize their closet with labels.
Organization is my jam and I’ve learned to embrace it and use it to my advantage. So give me new cute post-its, a beautiful new journal, or a fun organizational idea, and my day is made.
Download your Thankful Printable
Hopefully, a peek into a few of my blessings will help you begin thinking of your own.
I’d love to hear in the comments what you are thankful for this year.
Click the following link to print your Thankful Printable
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I love this! Another idea is to hang it on your refrigerator so everyone can see and participate. You’d be able to take turns & include everyone in the family. Great post!
I love that idea Wendy! Being able to see everyone’s blessings would be a great conversation starter with my kids too!