This First Day of School Self Portrait Worksheet is the perfect combination of a Back to School coloring page and an “All About Me” worksheet.
Back to School time is crazy busy in our house and that’s why easy activities like these are a mom win.
If you are looking for a fun way to document or celebrate the First Day Back at School, this free printable is for you!
Plus, it’s a great way to start a simple First Day of School Tradition.
The finished product can be easily added to a scrapbook or a school memory box.
If you don’t do these, it works really well in the front of your child’s school yearbook too.

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First Day of School Worksheet for all Grades
The simplicity of this First Day of School Coloring Page makes it perfect for children who haven’t mastered their writing skills just yet.
Kindergartners, preschoolers, and even older toddlers can enjoy the process of creating their self-portraits without the need for writing.
Of course, it will also work for ages beyond kindergarten. Even kids in Middle School, like Tweens, would enjoy drawing their self-portraits. The fun emoji-like graphics on the sides make this work well for several ages.
How to Use the First Day of School Self-Portrait Printable
The options to use this free printable coloring page are truly endless.
This printable was intended for home and classroom use, so please do not use it for commercial purposes.
How to use the Worksheet in the Classroom
First, this would be a great classroom activity printable. You could have the children fill it out on their first day of school and send it home as a keepsake.
As a parent, I would love to find this in my child’s backpack!
Or, you could send it home on Back to School Night as an activity for your students to do with their parents.
It would make for enjoyable “homework” on the first day of school as well.
If you’re doing virtual learning, you could also link to this post in your communications with parents & invite them to print it out themselves.
Kids could send photos of their drawings back to be shared with classmates.
Need a better way to organize all those Back to School To-Do’s? Check out our free printable Back to School To-Do List!

How to use the First Day of School Self Portrait worksheet at Home
Of course, this also works as an at-home activity. After school, you can grab some ice cream and head home to sort through those book bags.
While doing this, your kids can start working on their self-portraits.
Or maybe you are virtual learning or homeschooling for the year. If so, print out the worksheet and make it part of your First Day fun!
Simply set out the crayons and your kids can color away. They can draw themselves in the big circle, write their name at the bottom, and sneak in their grade somewhere too.
They can color as little or as much as they want, and you could even add a photograph to the middle instead of a drawing.
My oldest is close to being “too old” for these types of activities, so I might need to use a photo for his keepsake.
Have fun and enjoy the evening, because soon the real homework will start showing up in those book bags.
A few more Back to School Items
Before you print out the coloring page, take a peek at some of our other Back to School posts.
We have free printable First Day of School Signs with a fun school-themed font.

We also have a list of Back to School Books to help calm those First Day of School Fears.

Here’s the Self Portrait Printable
It’s time for the First Day of School Self Portrait Worksheet!
Click the download link below and your PDF printable is ready for you.
Would you like a colorful rainbow version of the First Day of School Self Portrait Printable?
If so, sign up for our email newsletter below!
Here’s to a great Back to School Season! Enjoy the chaos of the season and capture some great memories with this free printable.
Nice printable. Thanks for sharing it. 😊
For first day of school I always prepare a big cute frame (Polaroid-type) with the signage First Day in Kindergarten. And then I take pictures of my students. Then on the last day of school I show them their first day photos! They all love it. Parents, too!
Thank you! Your First Day of Kindergarten sign sounds super cute. As a parent I would love having this as a back to school keepsake!
What a great printable! We always do the first-day picture in front of a chalkboard with info about the kid, but I never thought about having them draw a portrait of themselves. What a great thing to have to show the progression of ability and the change in how they see themselves through the years. I think this will be a Labor Day holiday weekend craft for our crew!
Thanks Ashley! I love having little school mementos and keepsakes so that’s how this printable came to be created. Hope your crew enjoys their weekend project!
This is super cute ! My middle child starts school next year so I’ll be sure to have her do this !
I’m so glad you like it! I love making printables for kids that can also be keepsakes for Mom 💙
I can’t get this to print.
Hi Pamela! I checked everything out on my end & it’s all working. Do you have a program that is able to open PDF’s on your device? That seems to be what causes the most issues when people can’t get our worksheets to print.
Can someone please help me figure out how to print this. Love it, but just can’t find the magic “print” button. Thanks!
Hi Virginia! You can find the black and white version of the printable near the bottom of the article under the “Here’s the Self Portrait Printable”. You will need to click the download button and it will pop up in a separate screen. If you are looking for the colorful or rainbow version you will need to sign up for our email newsletter. That information is right under the download I just mentioned.